Asternic Screenshot 1


The reports display accurate information for your call detail records centered on Users, in nice formated tables and informative charts. Even more: you have the option to export the reports to pdf and csv (Excel). There are several reports available: inbound, outbound, combined, trunk usage, distribution, etc. You can also have quick access to call recordings.

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Do not take our word for it, you can test drive it on your own server with your own data for 30 days. Let's get started!

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System Requirements

On the Server

Linux: This version works under any Linux flavor (i386, x86_64).

Asterisk: versions 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 10, 11 , 12 and 13 with the manager interface enabled.

PHP 5 & MySQL 5


On the Client

Any modern browser with Javascript enabled. Internet Explorer 8 & up. Firefox 3. Safari. Opera. Chrome.

It also works on mobile platforms like IOS / Android