Some differences between the Lite and PRO versions.

Asternic Call Center Stats comes in two flavours: an open source version (Lite) and a commercial version (Pro). This table attempts to highlight some of the difference on functionality between the two. The feature set in the PRO version is so large that it does not fit on a table like this, so there are probably many features/configuration options that you won't see listed here.

Answered Service Level
Answered by Agent
Answered by Queue
Answered Disconnection Cause
Answered by Duration
Detailed Answered Report

Unanswered Service Level
Unanswered Disconnection Cause
Unanswered by Queue
Detailed Unanswered Report

Distribution by Queue
Distribution by Month
Distribution by Week
Distribution by Day
Distribution by Hour
Distribution by Day of Week
Detailed Distribution Report

Agent Availability
Agent Session and Pause Duration
Agent Detailed Pauses
Agent Call Disposition
Detailed Agent Report

Realtime View
Realtime Actions (logout,pause,unpause)
Realtime Supervisor Actions (listen, coach, steal)
Data acquisitionScheduledRealtime
CSV & PDF Exports
Integration with queue recordings
User authentication and authorization
Agent & Queue Dictionaries
Report Designer (add/change formulas)
Configurable SLA intervals and steps
Visual Alarms in Realtime view
Distinctive outbound reports
Search function
Drill Down function to expand on aggregated data
Inline Help
Export Charts
Scheduled CSV email reports
Shows CLID on reports
Reports by DID on FreePBX

Start your free trial

You can start a free trial so you can test drive the software in your own premises for 30 days. Just download it, install it and fill the Request Trial form. Alternatively, you can use Asternic Call Center Stats Lite that is free/GPL3. If you are satisfied with the PRO version after the trial, just purchase a license to get the definitive activation code. There is no need to reinstall the software after the trial period ends.

What people say

Thank you so much for making my life easier in monitoring calls, though I'm just using a trial version yet customer support replied to my ticket really quick. I'll update you once I pass some recommendation with my boss about your product and I'll be glad to recommend your product to my colleagues. More Power!!!
Carl Quimada
My major thanks for developing this application! It is nothing short of spectacular. The MP3 article worked perfectly, and we just purchased our pro license.
Charles C. Robinson
I dont remember having a fastest and concise answer from any support department before.
Borja Garcia
I want to compliment you on your excellent documentation for the install guide. It even let a novice like me complete the download and install.
William J. Gillis, III
Great handy piece of software you've made. Have been using it together with * since 2005 in our non-profit organization. Very pleased.
Kari Kandell
Let me also congratulate you on what a fantastic job you have done... on all your products.. they are clean, easy to use, useful and easy to install. I wish i had someone like you on my staff for our developments. FOP2 is just brilliant. Seriously. Excellent job.
Tony Sampano